Bioplastics as a Material for Food Packaging

All packaging from IIC is also available in bioplastics. The term bioplastic refers to both biodegradable plastics and plastics made from renewable biological raw materials (biobased). These can be obtained from materials such as sugar cane, corn, cassava and olive seeds. We have been successfully researching and developing new bioplastics for several years and are happy to discuss the possibilities and opportunities.

Materials bioplastic food packaging

Characteristics of bioplastics

Bioplastics are undergoing constant development and their use is often limited to specific shapes. – Please contact us with your enquiry.

The advantages of our packaging made of bio-based plastics:

from renewable raw materials

partially biodegradable

reducing greenhouse gas emissions


conservation of fossil resources

recycling of by-products

Three biobased plastics at a glance

Materials bioplastic food packaging

Thermoplastic starch (TPS)

TPS is a thermoplastic biopolymer in which starch from corn, potatoes or tapioca is processed into granules. With a market share of 80%, TPS is one of the most important bioplastics. It is biodegradable and is used in packaging such as trays, dishes and cups. In our study​ we investigated the characteristics of TPS based on Tapioca starch. It was found that the material has a lower mechanical strength and lower thermal characteristics than PLA. However, it has a significantly lower carbon footprint than most bio-based materials.

Materials bioplastic food packaging

Bio-Polyethylene based on Sugar Cane (Bio-PE)

Sugar cane is also suitable as a basic raw material for bioplastic. In our test, the material showed very good chemical characteristics and is resistant in a low-acid environment. Bio-PE is mainly bio-based – but not biodegradable. It has a low CO2 footprint (0.256 kg CO² per kg) and a good barrier. It is therefore suitable for products with a long service life such as buckets, closures or household products.

Materials bioplastic food packaging

Polylactic (PLA)

PLA is produced by polymerisation from lactic acid, which in turn is obtained from fermentation of sugar and starch. PLA can be produced as a rapidly degradable plastic or as a variation that will last for years. The disadvantage is the low softening point of 60°Celsius, which makes the plastic unsuitable for hot products (cups, dishes, …). In our study PLA showed good flow behaviour and is therefore suitable for packaging applications.

Sample box

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Exhibition dates

12 - 13 February 2025

Packaging Innovations & Empack, Birmingham/UK
